Basic Introduction to Occlusion

Today Laurence Murray from BSOS (British Society for Occlusal Studies) held an Occlusion course at the Laboratory.
Learning Occlusion that is relevant, interesting and easy to understand. A great starting point, particularly for associates and all those new to occlusion.
The 1st day is the theory around occlusion and the 2nd day is the practical day.
Theory day: The day starts at 8.30 for registration and generally finish for 4.30 pm This programme is an excellent introduction to the Principles of occlusion and how they affect restorative, periodontal and orthodontic treatments. Unfortunately ‘occlusion’ is often taught in isolation, but it is a fundamental part of virtually every restorative plan. Practitioners will also be able to develop their understanding and management of TMD cases, thereby developing a new area of patient care within their practice.
This theory day covers:
Anatomy of the TMJ and masticatory muscles,
Demystifying terminology in occlusion,
What instruments are required?
Envelope of function,
Centric relation and when to use it,
CR bite records,
Comprehensive clinical examination: teeth, joints and muscles,
Unhealthy muscles: signs and symptoms,
Unhealthy teeth: mobility and fremitus, tooth wear,
Appliance therapy,
Deprogramming appliances,
Role of full coverage appliances (hard and soft),
Treatment sequencing,
Creating space for restorations,
The role of provisional restorations,
Practical day outline. This practical course is designed as a follow-up to the One-day theory. The course, which will be for limited participants and will include the following:

Facebow registration and mounting of an upper model,
Centric relation manipulation,
Each participant will manipulate and be manipulated by one of the instructors,
Construction of an anterior jig, Use of a Leaf Gauge and centric,
Use the CR record to mount a lower model to the upper model on a mark 11 Denar articulator,
Construction of a lower stabilisation splint on the mounted models,
Participants will work in pairs, so that at the end of the day they will have produced an appliance,
Articulators, facebows and all materials will be provided.