Cologne IDS 2017

This year 5 of our Technicians attended the IDS 2017 in Cologne Germany,
our aim was to find and acquire the latest technology so we can supply
our client with the most up to date restoration options.
The IDS was a great success and we all learnt a lot. It’s a world
of advancing technology and predicting what’s coming next is difficult but be assured
we have it all under control.
The next step for us is sure to be a 3D printer as we diversify
more into the digital world.
A more advanced Milling Machine will follow in the next year.
If you have any questions on Digital Technology and what we
can currently provide please give us a call.
Video From Cologne IDS 2017
Press Release from Cologne IDS 2017
Digital, smart, patient-oriented:
As the leading global trade fair of the dental
industry, IDS reaches new dimensions.
More than 155,000 trade visitors (+12 percent) - good business -
dentistry as the pioneer of the health industry: the International
Dental Show 2017
After five days, the 37th International Dental Show (IDS) came to a close on
Saturday, 25 March 2017 with new record results and an excellent mood. Over
155,000 trade visitors from 157 countries attended the leading global trade fair
of the dental industry. This corresponds to a 12 percent increase compared to
the previous event. IDS particularly experienced growth among the foreign
visitors: The share of international trade visitors increased by almost 20 percent
up to around 60 percent. A slight increase was also recorded among the national
visitors. Thus, IDS once again proved its significance for the dental world.
The Federal Health Minister, Hermann Gröhe, who personally opened the 37th IDS,
sees the dental industry as a pioneer in the health care sector: “We haven’t
experienced such a success story in the field of prevention as in the last 20 years in
the field of oral health anywhere else. We underline the approach in all health
areas, that avoiding diseases is better than laboriously healing them or relieving
pain and in this aspect we can learn a lot from the field of dentistry.” At the same
time he emphasised the economic significance of the medical sector in Germany:
“The health industry is an outstanding branch of industry in our country with aboveaverage
growth rates and crisis-proof jobs. We have a great interest in continuing to
nurture this powerful element of the German economy and reinforcing its chances of
“IDS 2017 even succeeded in surpassing the high goals and expectations we set
ourselves. In particular the international growth rates underline the fact that IDS is
a cosmopolitan and hospitable leading trade fair for the entire dental industry. In
connection with the numerous innovations presented, IDS is trend-setting and a
fantastic trade fair experience for all industry players,” said a delighted Dr. Martin
Rickert, Chairman of the VDDI. He sincerely thanked all of the people involved for
this fantastic result.
“Cologne was the global capital of the dental industry for five days, which we can be
very proud about. Once again IDS prove that it is not only the biggest international
platform, but also by far the best platform for networking and for successful
business deals within the dental industry. The strong growth in the number of
visitors above all from abroad demonstrates the charisma and significance this event
has worldwide. The ongoing positive development of IDS is also a success story for
the trade fair location Cologne,” commented Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating
Office of Koelnmesse GmbH.
“We are delighted that our numerous activities in the run-up to the event at home
and abroad have been rewarded with such an outstanding success,” confirmed Dr.
Markus Heibach, Executive Director of the VDDI.
Good mood, well-filled order books
The focus of IDS 2017 lay on digital production and diagnosis methods, intelligent
networking solutions for the practice and laboratories, smart services for dentists
and dental technicians as well as the further improvement of patient care and thus
oral health worldwide (see here the expert comments on IDS 2017).
The wide spectrum of products and the depth of the offer also convinced the visitors
from all over the globe once again. As a result the mood over the five days was
excellent. The best prerequisites for the representatives of all of the relevant
professional groups to use the time in Cologne to inform themselves, establish
contacts, nurture business relations and do business. The exhibitors were delighted
about the high numbers of international trade visitors and the quality of the visitors
that found their way to their exhibition stands. Almost all regions experienced
significant growth again in terms of the number of visitors: Considerably more trade
visitors attended IDS from Central and South America (+52.9 percent), Eastern
Europe (+43 percent), the Near East (+31.9 percent), Africa (+31.7 percent) and Asia
(+28 percent). North America (+15.7 percent) and Europe (+12.6 percent) also
showed significant growth.
According to an independent visitor survey, 45 percent of the trade visitors from
abroad were decisively responsible for procurement decisions within their
companies. In total, around 80 percent of the respondents from Germany and
abroad stated that they were involved in the procurement and purchasing decisions
within their company. The order books of many companies were correspondingly
well-filled after five days of the fair.
The conclusion of the visitors was also positive: Around three quarters of the
respondents were (very) satisfied with IDS 2017 overall, as well as in terms of having
achieved their fair goals. 90 percent of the visitors interviewed would recommend
business partners to visit IDS. 70 percent plan to visit IDS in 2019 again.
Dental care as a significant economic factor
“The International Dental Show (IDS) has once again lived up to its reputation as the
world’s leading trade fair for the dental sector,” summed up Dr. Peter Engel,
President of the German Dental Association, on behalf of his profession after the
trade fair closed, adding that “The dental trade is an important employer and
economic factor. Furthermore, the dental industry is crisis-proof and makes an
important contribution to the job driver, the health sector.”
Uwe Breuer, President of the Association of German Dental Technicians (VDZI)
confirmed this impression: “The International Dental Show has from the point of
view of the VDZI once again proven itself to be the meeting place for specialists
from the dental laboratory and dentist’s practice. The expanding digital working
methods in the laboratory and practice will demand an even closer collaboration
between both experts in the future.” Overall according to Breuer primarily the
milling and CAD/CAM devices have been further developed. Now, however, the
dental laboratories will have to take a close look at which technology they would
like to and are able to offer in the laboratory. “But all of these technologies are not
conceivable without well-trained young professionals in the dental technician trade.
The highly trained young dental technology apprentices once again impressively
demonstrated their skills at this year’s IDS in the scope of the Gysi Prize
Competition,” stressed Breuer.
IDS 2017 in figures
At IDS 2017, on a gross exhibition area of
163,000 m² (2015: 158,200 m²), 2,305 companies from 59 countries participated
(2015: 2,182 companies from 56 countries). These included 624 exhibitors and 20
additionally represented companies from Germany (2015: 636 exhibitors and 19
additionally represented companies) as well as 1,617 exhibitors and 44 additionally
represented companies from abroad (2015: 1,480 exhibitors and 44 additionally
represented companies). The share of foreign exhibitors was 72 percent (2015: 70
percent). Including estimates for the last day of the fair, over 155,000 trade visitors
from 157 countries attended IDS (2015: 138,500 trade visitors from 151 countries),
approximately 60 percent of whom (2015: 51 percent) came from abroad.*
*The figures relating to visitors, exhibitors and exhibition space for this trade fair were determined and
certified according to the standardized definitions used by the Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and
Exhibition Statistics (FKM).
The next IDS - the 38th International Dental Show - is scheduled to take place
from 12 to 16 March 2019.
About IDS
IDS (International Dental Show) takes place in Cologne every two years and is
organised by the GFDI Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH, the
commercial enterprise of the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI)
and is staged by Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne.
100 years of VDDI
The VDDI celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2016. It was founded as the Association
of German Dental Manufacturers on 24 June 1916 and organised the first Dental
Show in 1923. In 1928 the VDDF organised the first International Dental Show. Today,
the VDDI has 200 member companies with 20,000 employees. The overall turnover is
more than Euro 5 billion with an export share of 62 percent.