Coronavirus Lab Opening 1st June 2020

Dear Colleague,
The past couple of months have proved for many to be the most arduous and ambiguous in recent memory and I know we are we all yearning a return to some semblance of normality. By now, I hope you have given thought to how you are your team can safely return to your practice and resume non-emergency services for your patients, if you have not already done so.
It has become quite clear however, that ‘normal’ will have a new meaning in dentistry. For patients and staff, we are going to have to advance on infection control. We may have to overcome short term deficits of PPE for dental personnel. More than ever, we are going to have to offer predictable, dependable, affordable solutions that make it comfortable for patients to gain confidence and accept treatment and for you to maximise the value of your services.
It is our intention to recommence operations at the laboratory on June 1st (depending on government guidelines), albeit at a reduced capacity as we bring back personnel in a safe and staggered process. The team at McDowell + Service are making your safety and the safety of all our staff, a top priority, implementing procedures to combat the spread of Covid-19. We have effected many measures within the laboratory to make the working environment as safe as possible for our staff.
Products leaving the laboratory will be cleaned and disinfected as appropriate but not in a sterile state, however.
We ask all clinicians, that when sending cases to the laboratory, that impressions are disinfected according to correct procedures and confirmation of which is indicated on the accompanying lab docket. See relevant ‘tick’ box on the laboratory instruction sheet. It is the responsibility of the prescribing clinician that impressions are disinfected BEFORE leaving the surgery, in accordance with the Medical Devices Directive and proper cross-infection control procedures. It is of utmost importance this is carried out, as any impressions sent to the laboratory that deemed to be contaminated with visible blood deposits, will be returned to the surgery.
As previously mentioned, technicians will be recalled from furlough in a safe and staged procedure over a period of time. It is likely therefore, that there may be some temporary disruption to usual working times and so may I ask you to be understanding and patient in this necessary, yet safety driven procedure. In this environment, ‘business as usual’ is not a safe path to success. Teamwork is key. Together, we can offer great dentistry and by working together achieve clinical and financial success. May I take this opportunity to wish you and your team a safe and successful return to practice and with you, look forward to continuing a successful working partnership.
Best regards
Mr. Stephen Ginn RDT,MDTA
Managing Director