Laboratory Open Day 15th Jan 2016

15th January 2016
You are welcome to join us for our Open day 15th January 2016 12pm - 5pm We at McDowell+Service would like to invite you and your staff for an informal informative afternoon at the laboratory. This will be a great opportunity for us all to meet and for you and your staff to see how we operate here on site.
Feel free to call in any time during the afternoon and stay for as long or short a time as you wish.
The heads of each Department will be on hand to discuss and demonstrate any aspects of laboratory work you or your staff may have. During the afternoon there will be a display of intraoral scanning by Trios showing the potential of this form of impression making. The Trios system will be set up for anyone wishing to have a go.
Jesse Morrow will be going through his lunch and learn presentation which explains all our products and how they are best used. Anyone who has already had Jesse visit their surgery will know how informative this can be.
Teas, coffee, wine, beer and light snacks will be provided throughout the afternoon so please come along on Friday 15th Jan. and start your weekend off with the staff at McDowell+Service Dental Laboratory.
Please let us know if you or any of your staff will be coming along before Monday the 11th January to give us an idea of drinks and snacks required. For any enquiries please call the lab on 028 90 370708
Many thanks
Stephen Ginn.